Tag Archives: fruit

Project Oma: Children’s Favorite Food

halim family dinner old photograph foto

Couldn't find regular dinner picture! But I think this would suffice! Look My Great Grandmother is in this picture as well (third from the right)

Did I mention that my Oma, mothered nine children?

Nine wickedly disobedient children that would put Dennis the Menace to shame.
If you don’t believe this claim here are some snippets to illustrate:

You know, you’re a scoundrel when you are expelled from school! My uncle was expelled from school, so many times that there was only ONE…UNO…EYNS, school left, at the time, that he hasn’t attended.

Teachers sobbing are one of the many difficulties my Oma had to face during parent-teacher meetings. Other difficulties include confrontations by other parents for having bullies as children. That was always a difficult one! As a mother you are most probably always biased towards your demonic “angelic” children.

There are many other epic stories, but I will do them justice next time. It’s too astounding to be compressed within this post.

Despite their many antics, at the end the day the siblings would gather at the dining table. It is through their stomach my Oma control them. A favorite dish cooked especially for one of them does not only reward good behavior, but also humble those bad behaviors. You wouldn’t hurt those who takes care of you and cooks your favorite meal, now would you?

So here are the siblings Favorite Dishes:

  1. Tante Lily                     : Ayam Panggang Santan, Ayam Opor
  2. Tante Hedy                  : Ayam Bumbu Rujak, Tahu Petis Sambal Hijau
  3. Tante Betty                  : Ayam Kodok, Huzarensla (Dutch Meat and Potato Salad)
  4. Tante Sally                   : Salem Sla, Klaper Taart, Fruit Cocktail
  5. My father: Freddy    : Ayam Panggang Ngohiong Sambal Jahe
  6. Oom Willy                    : Soto Betawi
  7. Tante Corry                 : Macaroni, Sambal Tauco Cabai Hijau
  8. Oom Tony                    : Merah Delima, Kroket
    (Courtesy of his daughter, as Oom Tony doesn’t seem to remember his favorite food. “Gampang Dah! Inget-inget dulu” he said!)
  9. Oom Benny                  : TBA
    (Haven’t had the chance to ask him yet! Watch out for updates!)

I will add the recipes for these dishes as soon as I locate them! And maybe some name translation (once I figure out what they are really called). Ayam Kodok’s literal translation is Chicken Frog? Frog Chicken? That does not sound too appetizing!